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Friday, June 24, 2011

A vacation from our vacation

Wednesday, 6/22
Today we slept in past 10, a nice break from our early-to-rise mentality as of late. Luciano came to see us with farm fresh eggs this morning and asked Greg to join him for lavorio (work) in the vineyard. An exchange... Luciano is very clever this way. "Grappa Gregorio?" "Chitarra, guitar!" Greg joined him for awhile and mostly observed and asked questions, but did assist with tying up a few grape vines. He learned a bit about growing grape vines, which we would like to do along our back wall when we return home. I read a good mystery novel and enjoyed the light breeze blowing though our french doors, occasionally pausing to look out at the landscape and listen to the joyful bird songs of late morning. A light lunch of apples, pecorino, and jam prepared us for a nearby outing. Today we visited the Bango Fillipo, a natural hot springs in the forest. Only thirty minutes from our home base and a relatively short hike through the forest, was this beautiful calcified rock formation called Fosse Bianco (the white whale). Surrounding this stunning structure and fed by the volcanic mountain near by, were milky white and blue pools bubbling with mineral water. Soaking in the bathwater warm pools and walking along the soft clay bottom, renewed our skin and our spirits. To make a happy Greg, just add water. He truly delighted in the mini waterfalls and bubbly waters. We emerged cool and calm, our skin super soft. We grabbed some brushetta and pasta for lunch and returned to enjoy a relaxing afternoon on the grounds. I sat outside and read my book, followed by a short run. For dinner, fritatta from the eggs Luciano brought us this morning and vegetables we picked from the patch this afternoon. Living on the farm has done wonders for our food budget this week!


  1. Melissa, these blogs are wonderful to read. Thanks for sharing your adventures so vividly with us. I can't wait to read the next installment.
